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понедельник, 1 января 2018 г.

Примеры форм. Древнеримские сосуды

Римские формы

Pottery in Archaeology ( Roman )

Nos 15/17  and 15/17r    A dish with internal quarter-round moulding at the junction of the base and wall.There are two main types (a) with an almost upright wall,relatively shallow and (b) the form being a little deeper with rouletted circle both varieties are found throughout the 1st century.
Nos 35-36     Cup and dish with curved rim ornamented with leaves  Late 2nd century.
No    38 Hemispherical flanged bowl,may have beaded lip or plain one. 2nd-3rd century
No    44 Similar to  38 but with a cordon in place of the flange              2nd-3rd century
No    45 Mortarium with lion head with small white grits               Early 2nd century.
No    22 Small dish without footring                                                    1st century
No.   42 Segmented dish usualy with a pair of strap handles        Early  2nd century
No.   81 Wide mouth jar with everted rim. This was made at Lezoux under Hadrian.
No    15 Dish – 46   Cup                                                                      1st century
No.    11  Hemispherical bowl with decorated flange.
No.29        Carinated bowl
No 30        Cylindrical bowl which lasted throughout the  1st – 2nd century
No 37        Hemispherical bowl with plain band below the beaded lip.The rest of the ornamentation can be varied  but the main styles are (a) zonal, usually late 1st -early  2nd century and (b) continuous scroll ornament down the whole depth of the bowl,common in the late 1st century and the Antonine period.
No 67        Small jar                                                                                        Early 2nd century
No 68        Jar with upright concave rim and central band of rouletting  before       Middle  2nd century
No.78        Straight sided cup

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